Entering foreign markets
and international distribution of goods

legal, tax, accountancy and business solutions

  • Selection of a suitable foreign market for expansion
  • Development of a strategy for entering a foreign market and continued activities on a foreign market
  • Building local business activities
  • Management of a portion of administrative solutions for a new market
  • Support for activities on a new market connected with support on the domestic market
  • Formation of a comprehensive organisation for distributing goods and services to end customers
  • Formation of a comprehensive organisation for online distribution
  • Definition of import and export logistics for goods and services
  • Product and market analysis


Increase in meal allowance amounts from 1.10.2023

October 23rd 2023|0 Comments

On 22 September 2023, the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic issued a new measure 368/2023 Coll. on the amounts of meal allowance, which changes the meal allowance rates